86 -Eighty Six-|Anime
“86 -Eighty Six-” is an anime adaptation of the light novel series by Asato Asato, first aired in 2021. Directed by Toshimasa Ishii and produced by A-1 Pictures, the original work began in 2017 and has gained popularity for its deep story and psychological character development. The anime follows the lives of the “86,” a group of people fighting on the battlefield, and Lena, a commander from the Republic of San Magnolia who oversees them. The series explores hidden truths behind the war and the personal struggles of its characters, engaging viewers with its intense narrative.
The Republic of San Magnolia claims to conduct a war against the autonomous Legion using unmanned drones. However, the reality is that the “86” are the ones sent to fight on the frontlines. Led by Shinei Nouzen (Shin), the 86th Independent Squadron engages in battles fraught with danger. Lena, a handler from the Republic, learns the truth about the 86 and resolves to support them. The story interweaves the brutality of war with human drama.
86 -Eighty Six- | Recommendations
“86 -Eighty Six-” portrays the harsh realities of war and human bonds, leaving a lasting emotional impact on viewers. The anime stands out not only for its intense battle scenes but also for the intricate psychological portrayal of characters and their relationships. It’s an ideal pick for fans of sci-fi and military-themed stories, as well as those seeking profound narratives.
86 -Eighty Six- – YouTube
© Asato Asato, KADOKAWA / Project-86