Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula|Anime
“Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula” is a Japanese animated television series that aired from 1991. It is a racing animation set in the future. It depicts the motorsports world of the future and features high-speed, thrilling racing scenes.
The content is that Cyber Formula, a world-class event that surpasses even F1, run by F.I.C.C.Y. (International Cyber Formula Competition Federation), is equipped with a support system by a learning AI called Cyber System and incorporates cutting-edge technologies such as boost acceleration, and is the most It was gaining popularity as the most exciting sport.
Hayato Kazami, a 14-year-old boy whose father is the developer of the cyber system, gets involved in a battle for the new machine “Asrada,” which is equipped with the AI developed by his father, and is registered as a driver. Hayato initially takes the steering wheel by choice, but over the course of the series, the story follows his growth as a racer and a man as he wins the right to compete in the World Grand Prix, meets his teammates, and battles with his rivals.
“Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula” Series
Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula / 37 episodes (Broadcast: March 15, 1991 – December 20, 1991)
Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula 11 / 6 episodes
Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula ZERO / 8 episodes
Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula SAGA / 8 episodes
Neon Genesis GPX Cyber Formula SIN / 5 episodes