“A CERTAIN SCIENTIFIC RAILGUN” is a Japanese manga series by Kazuma Kamaike (original story), Motoi Fuyukawa (artwork) and Kiyotaka Haimura (character design), which has been on the air since 2007. The second season was broadcast, and the third season will be broadcast in 2020.
The setting is a huge school city where 80% of the total population of 2.3 million are students, in a world where ESP has been elucidated by science and ability development is incorporated into the curriculum. There, ESP development experiments are conducted on all students, and all students are divided into six levels, from Level 0 (incapacitated) to Level 5 (psychic), where various abilities blossom.
The protagonist is Mikoto Misaka, one of only seven Level 5 (psychic) students in the school city.
She is also known as ‘Railgun’ for her ability to manipulate electric shocks.
This work is a story about Mikoto Misaka and his friends, who solve various incidents that occur in the school city!
“A CERTAIN SCIENTIFIC RAILGUN” is characterised by its leisurely development, with many scenes of the main character Mikoto and her friends going about their daily lives at the school. However, there are also battle scenes using abilities, which are the real appeal of the game, so you will never get bored and there are many elements to look forward to.
The main attraction is the world view, which is mainly based on the school city. There are many characters, each with different abilities, and the battle scenes are powerful and exciting every time! In addition, the story is quite complex, so you will never get bored. It’s a new concept in Japanese animation that you can look forward to! Watch it! You will enjoy it!
©Kazuma Kamaike / Motoi Fuyukawa / ASCII MEDIA WORKS / PROJECT-RAILGUN