“THE FABLE” is a Japanese manga series by Katsuhisa Minami, serialised from 2014 to 2019 and renamed as “THE FABLE The second contact” from 2021 to 2023. Two live-action films were released in 2019 and 2021, and an anime adaptation has been broadcast on TV since 2024.
The greatest genius assassin of all time… But can’t he kill? Fabre, a.k.a. “Fabre”, is an invincible killing genius who was trained as a gifted assassin from his childhood and can kill any enemy in less than six seconds. One day, he receives a sudden order from the organisation’s boss that he must not kill anyone for a year, and is forced to lead a completely new life without killing. He takes the name Akira Sato and spends his first normal life as a professional. However, the unsettling atmosphere that stirs in the midst of his peaceful everyday life does not leave Akira alone… Will he be able to carry out this most difficult mission? The cool, funny and slightly eccentric life of the invincible assassin “Fable” begins!
THE FABLE | Recommendations
The highlight of THE FABLE is the gap between the strongest genius assassin and a completely new life without killing. A peaceful life spent for the first time.
However, he cannot leave even the slightest bit of disquiet behind.
The charm lies in the process of the invincible Fabre’s growth as a human being and the excellence of the story that draws in and changes those around him as well.
A complete story does not need flashy, superfluous direction.
©Katsuhisa Minami・KODANSHA / Anime THE FABLE production committee