“LAID-BACK CAMP” is a Japanese animated series based on the manga of the same name by Afro, which began airing in 2018.”LAID-BACK CAMP SEASON 2″ was broadcast in 2021 and “LAID-BACK CAMP SEASON 3” in 2024.A film was also released in 2022.
An outdoor comedy anime that begins with an encounter between Lynn, a girl who likes to camp alone, and Nadeshiko, a camping novice. It portrays authentic camping knowledge in a loose and fun way.
LAID-BACK CAMP | Recommendations
“LAID-BACK CAMP” is highly recommended for those who want to watch a slow and relaxed camping experience, watch without thinking, or learn about the outdoors lightly.
In real life, it’s a simple and tedious task to prepare tents and campfires, but for some reason, watching this animation makes you want to do it and go camping. It’s a mystery.
Each character is moderately unique and you can enjoy watching them naturally. There are also a number of funny scenes due to their friendship and conversations, for example, when they suddenly changed the way they call each other, it was a little embarrassing and interesting. Also, the various characteristics unique to girls are interestingly and faithfully depicted, and I would like girls to watch it. I would like girls to watch this film.