Detective Conan|Anime
“Detective Conan” is a Japanese manga series by Gosho Aoyama. The series began in 1994. An anime was broadcast on TV from 1996. The main character “Kudo Shinichi,” a high school detective who has been turned into an infant by a black-robed organization, takes the name “Edogawa Conan” and solves numerous cases while pursuing the whereabouts of the black-robed organization.
Shinichi Kudo, a high school detective with a father who is a mystery writer, a mother who is a former actress, and a great admirer of Sherlock Holmes, has both deductive powers and insight that rival those of adults, and has even been called the “savior of the Japanese police”.
One day, Shinichi Kudo goes to an amusement park with his childhood friend, where he witnesses a deal being made by a mysterious organization. While absorbed in watching the transaction, Shinichi Kudo is knocked down from behind by a member of the organization, and is given a poison (APTX4869) to keep his mouth shut. As a result, due to a side effect of the drug that the organization did not know about, all of his tissues except for his nervous system regress back to his early childhood, and he is transformed into a first grader.
Shinichi Kudo is advised by his neighbor, a doctor, that if the black-clad organization finds out that he is alive, his life will be threatened again, and the people around him will be harmed. Therefore, he hides his true identity and assumes the name “Edogawa Conan” [and stays at his childhood friend’s house, believing that he can obtain information about the mysterious organization since his childhood friend’s father is a detective. From then on, Conan solves cases that occur one after another in his surroundings by utilizing his deductive powers and a universal item developed by his neighbor, a doctor. At the same time, he pursues a conspiracy of a mysterious black organization in order to regain his original body.
Detective Conan | Recommendations
“Detective Conan” is characterized by the fact that while the main storyline is “the pursuit of a conspiracy by a mysterious black-skulled organization,” there are also short story-like cases that are scratched out in parallel. The cases that occur always utilize various tricks and are complicated, but it is exhilarating to watch the protagonist, Shinichi Kudo, use his deductive powers to solve the cases one after another, as if watching a brilliant answer to a riddle.
In solving the cases, there are not only brain games of deductive reasoning, but also action and battle scenes that are worth watching.
The mystery element of solving the mystery of the case together with the unique characters surrounding the main character and pursuing the conspiracy of the mysterious black organization, which is the main storyline, is very appealing.
©Gosho Aoyama / Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, TMS 1996