“GREAT PRETENDER” is a Japanese TV animation produced by WIT STUDIO and distributed on Netflix from 2020.
It is an original work originally produced as an animation.
Makoto Edamura, self-proclaimed ‘Japan’s number one con man’, has been running a scam on elderly people and tourists.
One day, the foreign backpacker he chose as his target was, unexpectedly, a colleague. Makoto Edamura is tricked by Laurent, a fellow backpacker he has chosen as his target.
Tricked by Laurent, a foreign backpacker, Makoto Edamura plots to get back at him, but his attempts come to nothing and he finds himself working with Laurent’s gang.
Makoto Edamura, who had been living in Japan as an ordinary swindler, joins Laurent’s gang to take part in a con game (credit fraud) of a different scale.
GREAT PRETENDER | Recommendations
The highlight of GREAT PRETENDER is its storyline. Despite the fact that it deals with a subject that is not considered suitable for an anime – con games (credit fraud) – it does not have a strong mystery element and has a style that makes it easy to watch, just like a comedy.
However, even though it is easy to watch, the content is solid and the story is fascinating. This is probably due to the skill of the scriptwriter, who has also written scripts for popular Japanese dramas. The foreshadowing is brilliantly laid out, and it is even refreshing to watch.
The backgrounds, with their unique painterly touch, are also beautiful and enjoyable to look at.
The various countries that appear in the film are also a major attraction, as they can be seen in the animations with a unique touch.
©WIT STUDIO/Great Pretenders