The Tatami Galaxy|Anime
“The Tatami Galaxy” was adapted into an animated TV series in 2010, based on a novel by Tomihiko Morimi. It was directed by Masaaki Yuasa.
A first-person novel about a third-year male student at Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan, and how his chosen club has changed his own university life and its possibilities.
Elements of parallel worlds are incorporated, with ‘I’ belonging to different clubs and organisations in each story, but the endings and characters are common and related to each other, and the writing style of each story is unified.
The TV anime consists of 11 episodes. In the anime adaptation, the episodes and parts of each story in the novel version are recombined and reorganised into 10 parallel world patterns, while taking care not to spoil the overall impression and setting.
The Tatami Galaxy | Recommendations
“The Tatami Galaxy” is a film by Japanese animation director Masaaki Yuasa, whose distinctive style may put off a few people, but this personality and unique world view is irresistible.
The emotions that move between neither child nor adult of a male university student who doesn’t get along day by day are interesting, and the various characters in the story are very unique and fascinating.
The storyline, the direction, the pace and the narration of The Tatami Galaxy are all interesting, but from the moment you realise how interesting they are, your happiness will explode. You even become attached to it.
The dialogue is sometimes funny, and the unique dialogue style is also tasteful and emotional, and many people say that the final episode is too good to be true.
Quirky, unique and easily resistible. It is certainly that kind of work.
But just like food, the more you get into such things, the more indispensable they become. Please try watching it again and again. The more you watch it, the more you will experience how interesting and delicious it is.
Illust / Yuke Nakamura ©The Tatami Galaxy Committee