Hikaru no Go|Anime
“Hikaru no Go” is an anime based on a Japanese shōnen manga about Go by Yumi Hotta and Ken Obata, which was broadcast for 75 episodes from 2001 to 2003. Yukari Yoshihara, a female Go player affiliated with The Nihon Ki-in, supervised the manga, which was serialised from 1999 to 2003. Various forms of media mixing have also taken place, including an animated TV series, a novel and a computer game. The anime adaptation increased the popularity of the original work and triggered a nationwide Go boom in Japan.
Hikaru no Go tells the story of Hikaru Shindo, the protagonist of Hikaru no Go, who aims to “master the divine move” with Sai Fujiwarano, a prodigious Heian-era Go player, and grows up through many experiences in the game of Go.
Hikaru, a sixth-grader at the time, finds an old bloodstained Go board in his grandfather’s storeroom. The board was inhabited by a ghost, Sai.
Sai had died a violent death in the middle of his life and was unable to be reborn because of his unfulfilled love for the game of Go.
Sai, who possessed Hikaru from the Go board, started playing Go through Hikaru, who had no knowledge of Go, in order to fulfil his wish to play against many opponents and fulfil his goal.
Through his involvement with various players, Hikaru gradually realises the charm and fun of Go and begins to play Go of his own volition.
Hikaru no Go | Recommendations
“Hikaru no Go” is the story of a boy who becomes involved in the world of Go after being possessed by the spirit of a genius Go player. There are 75 episodes plus one special. You don’t need to know the rules of Go to enjoy the atmosphere, and the psychological portrayal of the characters is very carefully done. Although it is quite long at 75 episodes, it is well worth watching and is a top-class animation if only for the wonderful development of the second half.
The spirit of the two players is sharpened and the tension of the intensity is conveyed in the heated battles that make your hands sweat. The sound of each move of placing a Go stone on the Go board is brilliant. The sound effects were further enlivened so that the full intensity of the game could be experienced. Furthermore, all scenes are beautifully drawn to vividly express the sober Go battles. Hikaru’s daily growth and the moments of competition are always moving and heart-warming, no matter how many times you watch the film.
Experience the fascination of Go through all 75 episodes, which have been broadcast in many countries, including China and South Korea, as well as the USA, Thailand, Singapore and France, and have spread the excellence of Go around the world. You are sure to have a moving encounter.
© Yumi Hotta・HMC・Takeshi Obata・NOel / SHUEISHA・TV TOKYO・dentsu・Pierrot