Your Lie in April|Anime
“Your Lie in April” is a Japanese manga and anime work by Naoshi Arakawa, serialized from 2011 to 2015. It was nominated for the 2012 Manga Grand Prize.It was nominated for the 2012 Manga Grand Prize and won the Kodansha Manga Award for boy in 2013.An anime aired from 2014 to spring 2015, and a live-action film was made in 2016.
In the spring of 14, I start running with you.
An empty boy meets a girl. The girl’s free and passionate musical compositions stir the boy’s halted time.
In the winter of his 11th year, Kosei Arima, a precocious prodigy pianist, is traumatized by the shock of losing his mother, which causes him to lose his ability to hear the piano when he plays.
Kosei Arima is a former boy prodigy who can no longer play the piano after his mother’s death. His monochrome life begins to take on color when he meets a violinist. The violinist, Miyazono Kaori, is a brash, quarrelsome, but full of individuality. Fascinated by the girl, Kimio begins to run on his own two feet now that he is 14 years old.
Since then, the boy has gradually drifted away from the piano. Having lost the piano and his mother, his daily life has lost its monotone-like color.
One day, Tsubaki Sawabe, a childhood friend who has watched Kosei since he was a child, introduces him to a classmate. The classmate’s name is Kaori Miyazono. She is a violinist who competes in competitions. Kaori goes beyond the score and plays the assigned piece in her own style.
Your Lie in April | Recommendations
“Your Lie in April” is about a genius pianist who has lost the ability to hear only the sound of the piano after the death of his mother.
After a life away from the piano, one day he meets a violinist girl and faces music again.
The love triangle with his childhood friend, the pianist’s rivals, and the emotions of all the characters are carefully depicted in this masterpiece of love comedy anime, with a good balance of gag-like and touching descriptions.
© Naoshi Arakawa・KODANSHA / Your Lie in April production committee