Only Yesterday main image

Only Yesterday|Anime

Only Yesterday is an animated film by Studio Ghibli, released in 1991. The film is based on the manga of the same name by Hotaru Okamoto and Yuko Tone, set in the backdrop of Showa-era Japan. Directed by Isao Takahata, who is renowned for his realistic approach in Japanese animation, this film explores the journey of Taeko, a young woman from the city who confronts her past while engaging in rural farm work. The beautifully illustrated landscapes and the natural setting of Japan depicted in the animation have been highly praised. Not only beloved in Japan, this film has also impacted audiences worldwide, demonstrating the wide-reaching potential of Japanese anime.

Only Yesterday scene1

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The main character of Only Yesterday, Taeko Okajima, is a 27-year-old woman working in Tokyo. One day, she takes a temporary leave from her job and heads to the countryside where her relatives live. As she begins her rural life, memories from her elementary school years start to resurface, and she engages in an inner dialogue between her younger and present self. During her stay, she meets a local man named Toshio and, inspired by his outlook on life, she starts to question what she truly desires. Her time in the countryside becomes a journey of self-discovery and emotional growth.

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The charm of Only Yesterday lies in the meticulous storytelling and realistic character portrayal by director Isao Takahata. The scenes of rural life and farming in Japan are vividly illustrated, immersing the viewer in the peaceful countryside as if they are truly there. Additionally, the film raises profound reflections on life and happiness, showing that Japanese anime can depict human growth and introspection as well as fantasy. The nostalgic atmosphere and attention to detail make this film resonate deeply with a broad audience, not only anime enthusiasts.


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