Major is based on the popular baseball manga by Takuya Mitsuda, which was serialized in *Weekly Shōnen Sunday. The story depicts an emotional drama centered on the growth, setbacks, and challenges of the protagonist, Gorō Shigeno, as he pursues his dream of becoming a professional baseball player. The anime aired on NHK Educational TV from 2004 to 2010, spanning six seasons. The film *Major: The Ball of Friendship* was also released in 2008 and received high praise from fans. Additionally, a sequel titled Major 2nd was produced, featuring a new generation’s story.
Gorō Shigeno has loved baseball from a young age, inspired by his father, Shigeharu Honda, who was a professional baseball player and his hero. A tragic incident brings unforeseen challenges to Gorō’s life, but he remains determined to follow his dream of becoming a professional player. The series highlights Gorō’s unyielding spirit, personal growth, and the dramatic stories of those around him, offering viewers inspiration and heartfelt moments.
Major | Recommendations
Major stands out for its focus on the protagonist’s growth and realistic portrayal of baseball. It skillfully blends the technical aspects of the sport with human drama, including the bonds with family and teammates, as well as the theme of overcoming setbacks. The high-quality animation and gripping match scenes immerse the viewer in the story. Gorō’s relentless pursuit of his dream and the heartfelt moments of friendship and perseverance resonate with sports fans and beyond.
© Takuya Mitsuda・Shogakukan / NHK・NEP・ShoPro