Space Brothers main image

Space Brothers|Anime

Space Brothers is based on the popular manga by Chūya Koyama, serialized in Morning magazine starting in 2008. The story follows the journey of two brothers, Mutta and Hibito Nanba, who promised as children to become astronauts. The anime aired from 2012 to 2014 and was well-received by audiences. In 2012, a live-action film adaptation also premiered, spreading the theme of chasing one’s dreams even further. This series uniquely combines humor and heartfelt moments, focusing on family and the passion for dreams, which is a hallmark of Japanese storytelling.

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Space Brothers scene2

Mutta Nanba, the protagonist, once promised with his younger brother Hibito to venture into space. However, as an adult, he loses sight of this dream and works as a salaried employee. Discovering that Hibito has truly become an astronaut reignites Mutta’s passion, leading him to pursue his dream once more. The story resonates with viewers through Mutta’s struggles and triumphs, portraying the deep bond between brothers and the pursuit of dreams.

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Space Brothers is known for its realistic depiction of space and the compelling relationship between the brothers. The story’s attention to scientific accuracy and the challenges astronauts face is impressive. Mutta’s humorous and persistent character provides hope and inspiration to viewers. The series also highlights the importance of family and friendship, deeply reflecting Japanese culture.


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