Weathering with You|Anime
Weathering with You is a 2019 Japanese animated film directed by Makoto Shinkai. Shinkai, who gained worldwide success with his previous film Your Name, once again captured the audience’s attention with a perfect blend of stunning visuals and emotional storytelling.
The film features exquisite animation typical of Shinkai’s work, as well as the urban charm of modern-day Tokyo, with the rain and sky in particular being rendered in an overwhelmingly beautiful manner.
The story begins with a boy named Hodaka, who leaves his island home and heads to Tokyo. Life in Tokyo is harder than he expected, and he struggles to find food and shelter while trying to make a living. One day, he meets a girl named Hina who possesses the ability to control the weather. Hina, known as a “sunshine girl,” uses her power to bring clear skies and weather for people in need.
As the two grow closer, they work together to harness Hina’s ability and have various experiences in Tokyo. However, Hina’s power comes with a cost, which gradually becomes clearer as the story unfolds, bringing challenges to their relationship. The film explores deep themes of weather, love, and fate.
Weathering with You | Recommendations
There are many reasons to watch Weathering with You. First and foremost, the animation’s precision and beauty stand out. Makoto Shinkai showcases an incredible level of detail in his depictions of landscapes and urban environments, with scenes of rain and sky that feel almost lifelike. The film allows viewers to visually experience the emotional changes brought about by the changing weather and the streets of Tokyo.
The music, composed by RADWIMPS, is another highlight. The soundtrack deeply enhances the emotional depth of the film, with songs like “Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?” leaving a lasting impact and elevating the movie’s most poignant moments.
Furthermore, the film explores profound themes such as love, sacrifice, and environmental issues, allowing for various interpretations by its viewers. As the story follows the influence of weather on the characters’ emotions and destinies, it also prompts reflections on the relationship between weather and humanity in contemporary society.
© 2019 “Weathering with You” Production Committee