My Hero Academia|Anime
“My Hero Academia” is a Japanese anime that began airing in 2016. The original manga, written by Kohei Horikoshi, started serialization in 2014 in the Weekly Shōnen Jump. The story revolves around superheroes and Quirks (abilities), with the protagonist Izuku Midoriya striving to become a hero despite being born without any powers. The animation is produced by BONES.
The anime has gained immense popularity both in Japan and internationally, with multiple seasons and films produced. It has also garnered a global audience with its English dub, which has made a significant impact worldwide. The original manga has seen a rise in sales, attracting even more fans since the anime adaptation.
The story of “My Hero Academia” is set in a world where having a Quirk (ability) is the norm, and it follows the journey of the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya(Deku), who is born without one. Deku, who has always admired the number one hero, All Might, eventually inherits the “One For All” power from him.
The anime depicts Deku’s growth as he enrolls in U.A. High School, a prestigious hero training school, and overcomes various trials alongside his friends. His companions, including Katsuki Bakugo, Ochako Uraraka, and Shoto Todoroki, each possess unique Quirks, and together they embark on exciting adventures. The series also features intense battles between heroes and villains, as Deku develops and stays true to his ideals.
My Hero Academia | Recommendations
One of the greatest appeals of “My Hero Academia” is its diverse and compelling cast of characters and their growth story. Characters like Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Ochako Uraraka, and Shoto Todoroki all bring unique qualities to the series. In particular, Deku’s journey from being powerless to striving to become a hero is deeply relatable and resonates with viewers.
The anime also features exhilarating battle scenes, where heroes face off against villains in fast-paced, high-stakes combat. These battles are visually captivating and full of tension. Additionally, themes of friendship, bonds, and the importance of hard work are woven throughout the story, offering audiences more than just action, but also messages that speak to the heart.
The music in the anime is another standout feature, perfectly complementing the tone of the series. The opening and ending themes, in particular, have a way of pulling the audience into the world of the story. The combination of music and dramatic battle scenes provides an immersive experience for both the eyes and ears.
© Kohei Horikoshi / Shueisha, My Hero Academia Production Committee