“METALLIC ROUGE” is a science fiction and action-themed Japanese animated feature that first aired in 2024 and utilizes advanced CG and animation techniques by the studio. The animation is produced by BONES, Yutaka Izubuchi a studio that has produced hit movies in the past, and features a tension-filled storyline that captivates viewers. Although set in the future, the story is strongly based on themes such as humanity and bonds between people.
In a future world where humans and androids coexist, the protagonist, Rouge, is a warrior tasked with high-stakes missions while searching for her own identity. Together with her team, she faces unpredictable threats and strives to complete her mission. The blend of adventure and inner conflict offers viewers a new perspective.
METALLIC ROUGE | Recommendations
The appeal of “METALLIC ROUGE” lies in its intricate world that blends action and sci-fi. Rouge’s personal growth and struggles are captivating, drawing viewers in. The detailed depiction of the futuristic society and stunning battle scenes offer visual satisfaction. The unique character design and profound themes, typical of Japanese anime, resonate with audiences.
© BONES・Yutaka Izubuchi / Project Rouge