Glass Fleet|Anime
Glass Fleet is a sci-fi space opera anime that aired in 2006, directed by Minoru Ohara and produced by GONZO and Satelight. The series is set in space and follows the struggles of a resistance force fighting against an oppressive regime, interwoven with plots of political intrigue and epic battles. The story centers around Cleo, the leader of a magnificent glass fleet, and those who seek freedom. With its complex political drama and character conflicts, Glass Fleet combines elements of space opera and fantasy, earning attention for its unique storytelling.
Rebels rebel against the powerful dictatorship that rules the universe, the United Fleet of Nobles. They fight against various difficulties to usher in a new era of freedom. The main character, Cleo, a warrior seeking freedom despite her own past, leads the beautiful “Glass Fleet” to increase the power of the rebel army. The story unfolds not only through battles, but also through various human dramas of friendship, betrayal, and wavering beliefs.
Glass Fleet | Recommendations
Glass Fleet captivates with its stunning visuals and rich storytelling. The glass fleet and space battles provide a visual treat, especially for fans of space operas. The characters’ struggles and convictions are portrayed realistically, making the anime more than just a series about battles; it’s a profound human drama. The intricate political plots and strategies add tension, keeping viewers engaged until the end.
© 2006 GONZO・Fields / Glass Fleet Production Committee