I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability|Anime
This work is based on a Japanese light novel. The original author is Kenkyo na Circle. The series began serialization in 2019 and has captivated many fans leading up to its anime adaptation. The story follows the reincarnated seventh prince as he dedicates himself to the pursuit of magic, using his overwhelming power and knowledge to grow through various adventures. The anime adaptation, consisting of 12 episodes, aired in 2024. The depiction of magic was made even more captivating through impressive visuals and direction.
A modern individual is reborn as Lloyd, the 7th prince of a kingdom, choosing to live a life focused on the pursuit of magic at his leisure. Blessed with extraordinary magical talent, he earns both admiration and caution from those around him. The story follows his journey to perfect his magic through various adventures and encounters with new allies and adversaries.
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability | Recommendations
This anime stands out among reincarnation stories by focusing heavily on magic, featuring breathtaking depictions of spells and the captivating personality of its main character, Lloyd. The blend of comedic and serious moments keeps viewers engaged, and the impressive magical scenes and the elaborate world-building add to its charm.