Tsurune: The Linking Shot main image

Tsurune: The Linking Shot|Anime

“Tsurune: The Linking Shot” is an anime series based on the novel “Tsurune” by Kotoko Ayano, produced by Kyoto Animation. The original novel was published in 2016, garnering attention for its unique story centered around the sport of kyudo (Japanese archery). The first season of the anime aired in 2018, followed by a second season, “Tsurune: The Linking Shot,” in 2023. The series is highly praised for its stunning animation and delicate character portrayal, embodying the aesthetics of Japanese anime.

Tsurune: The Linking Shot scene1

The story follows Minato Narumiya, a young man who once faced defeat in the world of kyudo (Japanese archery). As he returns to the sport alongside his friends, he gradually regains his confidence and strengthens his bonds with his teammates. “Tsurune: The Linking Shot” depicts Minato’s further growth as he faces new challenges and discovers the deeper meaning behind his shots. The series weaves a heartfelt narrative of friendship, perseverance, and passion for kyudo.

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Tsurune: The Linking Shot scene3
Tsurune: The Linking Shot scene4

The allure of “Tsurune: The Linking Shot” lies in its breathtaking animation and detailed psychological portrayal. Kyoto Animation’s signature artistry enhances the kyudo (Japanese archery) scenes, captivating viewers. The series also deeply explores the growth of the characters and their bonds, evoking empathy and emotion. Additionally, it offers insights into the rich tradition of kyudo, making it both educational and inspiring.

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Tsurune: The Linking Shot – TV anime PV

© Kotoko Ayano, Kyoto Animation / Tsurune Production Committee

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