Buddy Daddies|Anime
“Buddy Daddies” is an original anime that premiered in 2023, blending action and comedy. It was produced by the animation studio P.A.WORKS and directed by Yoshiyuki Asai. The story follows two assassins who unexpectedly become caretakers of a young girl, leading to a humorous and heartwarming tale. The impactful action scenes and touching moments leave a lasting impression on viewers.
The two protagonists, Rei, a cool and composed assassin, and Kazuki, a cheerful and sociable individual, find themselves tasked with protecting a 4-year-old girl named Miri during a mission. Thrown into the unexpected role of “fathers,” they initially struggle but gradually grow through their shared life with Miri, starting to feel the bonds of family. However, their past as assassins and the threat of opposing forces jeopardize the peace the three have found together. As they deepen their familial ties, they face numerous challenges to protect their newfound family.
Buddy Daddies | Recommendations
“Buddy Daddies” masterfully blends action and family elements. The humorous yet touching portrayal of two assassins trying to fulfill their roles as “fathers” offers many heartwarming moments. The visual storytelling is impressive, with dynamic action sequences and expressive character emotions. Watching the protagonists rediscover their humanity through their interactions with Miri is another compelling aspect of this anime.
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