
Ayakashi Triangle|Anime

“Ayakashi Triangle” is an action-comedy anime based on the manga by Kentaro Yabuki. The original manga began serialization in 2020 in “Weekly Shonen Jump,” gaining attention for its fresh take on stories involving ayakashi (spirits). The anime adaptation premiered in 2023 and has been praised for its perfect blend of humor and action. It was produced by a studio known for high-quality animation and detailed character portrayals.

Ayakashi are supernatural entities, spirits, or creatures in Japanese folklore. They can take many forms, ranging from mischievous or playful beings to dangerous and vengeful spirits. Often linked to specific places, objects, or natural phenomena, Ayakashi are thought to blur the boundaries between the human and spiritual worlds. They appear in traditional stories, art, and modern media, representing Japan’s deep cultural connection to the unseen and mysterious.

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Matsuri Kazamaki, the protagonist, is a young heir of a ninja clan dedicated to exorcising ayakashi (spirits). He tirelessly protects his childhood friend, Suzu, who has a special fondness for these beings. However, an encounter with the powerful spirit Shirogane results in a curse that changes Matsuri’s body. From that moment, Matsuri and Suzu engage in strange and exciting adventures while pursuing Shirogane and dealing with various ayakashi. The story intertwines themes of friendship, romance, and spirit-slaying action.

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The appeal of “Ayakashi Triangle” lies in its well-balanced blend of action and comedy, creating a story with great pacing. The changes in Matsuri’s character and the dynamic with Suzu are highlights, adding humor and depth. The unique design and personalities of the ayakashi make the series visually engaging. This anime is a must-watch for fans of spirit-themed stories or those seeking action with a touch of comedy.

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Ayakashi Triangle – YouTube

© Kentaro Yabuki / Shueisha, Ayakashi Triangle Production Committee

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