“BLUE GIANT” is an anime adaptation based on the manga of the same name by Shinichi Ishizuka, focusing on jazz. The original manga began serialization in 2013 and was highly regarded by both music enthusiasts and manga fans. The story of the protagonist chasing his dream through music is filled with passion and inspiration, receiving acclaim both domestically and internationally. The anime recreates the energy and impact of jazz visually and audibly, offering viewers an experience akin to a live performance. The director and production team have meticulously crafted the series to highlight the essence of music, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.
Dai Miyamoto, the protagonist, was an ordinary high school student until one day he discovered jazz and became captivated by its power. Determined to pursue music, he picks up the saxophone and begins to study it on his own. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Dai continues to strive toward mastering his craft. The story follows his journey as he meets friends and grows, deepening his passion for music and aiming for bigger stages.
BLUE GIANT | Recommendations
The charm of “BLUE GIANT” lies in its portrayal of jazz, capturing its passion and power. The combination of animation and sound design provides an immersive experience that makes viewers feel as if they are witnessing a live performance. Dai’s dedication and sincerity in his pursuit of music resonate with anyone striving to achieve their dreams. This series is perfect for fans of music-themed anime and inspiring stories.
© Shinichi Ishizuka, Shogakukan / BLUE GIANT Production Committee