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Pretty Cure (Precure)|Anime

The “Pretty Cure” series, produced by ABC Animation, ADK Emotions, Toei Animation, is a magical girl anime that began in 2004 with “Futari wa Precure.” Since then, it has continued annually with new themes and characters, appealing to a broad age range both domestically and internationally. Central to the series are themes of friendship, courage, and teamwork, portrayed through diverse settings and battles against various foes. The series is known for its impressive action sequences, transformation scenes, and a mix of humor and touching episodes.

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Each installment of the “Pretty Cure (Precure)” series follows a different set of protagonists who, with their friends, use magical powers to fight evil and protect the world. Typically, the main character starts as an ordinary girl who is suddenly bestowed with magical abilities and becomes a “Pretty Cure (Precure).” Balancing daily life with their role as a Pretty Cure (Precure), they deepen friendships and overcome challenges. Every season introduces unique villains and settings, providing fresh adventures for viewers.

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The appeal of the “Pretty Cure (Precure)” series lies in its diverse characters and the rich themes presented in each installment. Each show is visually vibrant, with the transformation scenes being particularly beloved. Additionally, it conveys universal themes of friendship and courage, making it meaningful for both children and adults. The dynamic action scenes and the growth stories of the characters are also standout features.

© ABC / Toei Animation

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