“Ojarumaru” is one of Japan’s long-standing anime series, created by Rin Inumaru. Since its initial broadcast in 1998, it has been cherished nationwide. The story begins with Ojarumaru, a noble boy from the Heian period, who acquires the moon’s scepter and unexpectedly time-travels to the modern world. Aired on NHK Educational TV, it has become beloved across generations, known for blending educational aspects with entertainment. The daily life of Ojarumaru and the uniquely charming characters surrounding him provides a warm and soothing experience that appeals to audiences of all ages.
Ojarumaru, a noble boy born into the Heian court, grows weary of his monotonous life. One day, he steals the moon’s scepter from the fairy world of Tsukigomachi and finds himself in the modern era. He is taken in by Kazuma, a kind-hearted townsman, and his family, and starts a new life with them. Throughout his stay, Ojarumaru interacts with various residents and fairies, embarking on a series of whimsical and heartwarming adventures. The series is rich in comedy and touching moments, providing viewers with both laughter and warmth.
Ojarumaru | Recommendations
The main appeal of “Ojarumaru” lies in its simple yet profound storytelling. The protagonist’s innocent and playful nature makes him endearing to children and nostalgic for adults, bringing humor and warmth. The diverse cast of characters each has their unique charm, adding richness to the story. The series cleverly contrasts modern life with Heian period traditions, offering viewers a new perspective. Beyond comedy, many episodes focus on themes of friendship, family, and bonds, delivering heartfelt messages that resonate with audiences.
© Rin Inumaru / NHK / NEP