My Tiny Senpai main image

My Tiny Senpai|Anime

“My Tiny Senpai” is an anime adaptation of the popular web manga by Hajime Itsuki, aired in 2023. Directed by Mitsutoshi Sato and produced by Project No.9, the series depicts the everyday life of the petite and adorable senior employee Shiori Katase and her junior, Takuma Shinozaki. This office romantic comedy is full of charming interactions and heartwarming episodes that provide viewers with a sense of comfort and laughter.

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Takuma Shinozaki, a new employee, meets his petite and kind senior, Shiori Katase, at his workplace. Shiori is diligent and always supports Takuma, showing a level of kindness and energy that belies her small stature. The series portrays the warm dynamics between them and the subtle excitement of daily life, highlighting various light-hearted incidents in the office that make viewers smile.

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“My Tiny Senpai” offers viewers a delightful blend of office romance and comedy. Shiori Katase’s adorable personality and her earnest approach to work are endearing qualities that captivate audiences. The interactions with her junior, Takuma, create a warm atmosphere, highlighting the small joys found in everyday life. This anime is perfect for fans of workplace comedies and romantic stories.

My Tiny Senpai scene9

My Tiny Senpai scene10

© Hajime Itsuki, takeshobo / My Tiny Senpai Production Committee

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