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Tribe Nine|Anime

“Tribe Nine” is an original work by Kazutaka Kodaka, adapted into an anime in 2022. Directed by Yu Aoki and produced by LIDENFILMS, the story is set in a futuristic Neo-Tokyo, where factions (tribes) compete for dominance through intense Extreme Baseball matches. The anime is known for its unique visual style and thrilling game sequences that captivate the audience.

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In the near-future Neo-Tokyo, tribes compete in Extreme Baseball for control and prestige. A newly formed tribe, consisting of young and determined members, faces various trials to protect the city’s peace and honor. The protagonist, Shun, Haru, and his friends engage in intense battles against powerful rivals. The story highlights themes of friendship, rivalry, and growth.

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The appeal of “Tribe Nine” lies in its unique setting and action-packed game sequences. The blend of sports and sci-fi creates a fresh world, while the depiction of diverse characters adds depth. The tension-filled matches and dramas of friendship will excite viewers, making it highly recommended for fans of action and sports anime.

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Animation “Tribe Nine” Opening Video: MIYAVI “Strike It Out
TRIBE NINE Official Trailer

© Akatsuki Inc. / Tribe Nine Production Committee

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