Can’t Be Aired!|Anime
“Can’t Be Aired!” is a comedy anime based on the original work by Kana Mafune, adapted into a series in 2022. Directed by Jun Aoki, the story is set behind the scenes of the television industry, portraying the comedic struggles and mishaps faced by the production staff. The anime is packed with industry-specific humor and a narrative filled with passion for the job, making it relatable and enjoyable for many viewers.
Mafuneko, a rookie director, faces the daily challenges of working in television production. Despite dealing with various problems and the quirky behavior of her colleagues, she never loses her passion for her work. The series showcases her determination and interactions with her team, delivering both humor and relatability, while highlighting the harsh yet fun side of the TV industry.
Can’t Be Aired! | Recommendations
“Can’t Be Aired!” stands out as a unique anime centered around the television industry, featuring realistic depictions and comedic elements. By exploring the production process, viewers gain insight into the unseen efforts and challenges faced by staff. The humorous portrayal combined with the relatable, human-like qualities of the characters provides both laughter and emotion. This series is a must-watch for fans of workplace comedies and industry-themed shows.
© Kana Mafune, TV TOKYO / Can’t Be Aired! Production Committee