“SPY×FAMILY” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Tatsuya Endo, released in 2022. Directed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi and co-produced by WIT STUDIO and CloverWorks, the series follows the story of a skilled spy named Loid Forger who forms a “family” as part of an undercover mission. His “wife” Yor is an assassin, and their “daughter” Anya is an esper. The show masterfully combines comedy, action, and heartfelt moments, making it popular across various age groups.
In a fictional Cold War-era world, spy Loid Forger must create a fake family to successfully complete an important mission. He adopts Anya, a telepathic girl, and marries Yor, who secretly works as an assassin. The series follows their daily life as a family, filled with humorous situations and high-stakes missions, while each member hides their true identity. The drama unfolds as they navigate the thin line between genuine familial bonds and their personal secrets.
SPY×FAMILY | Recommendations
“SPY×FAMILY” blends the warmth of family bonds with thrilling missions, featuring Anya’s adorable antics and comedy scenes. It offers an engaging experience that appeals to action lovers and those looking for heartwarming stories. Anya’s telepathic reactions and Loid and Yor’s double lives add depth and charm to the narrative.
© Tatsuya Endo / Shueisha, SPY×FAMILY Production Committee