The Eminence in Shadow main image

The Eminence in Shadow|Anime

“The Eminence in Shadow” is an anime adaptation of the light novel by Daisuke Aizawa, released in 2022. Directed by Kazuya Nakanishi and produced by Nexus, the story follows protagonist Cid, who dreams of becoming an influential figure in the shadows and realizes this ambition in an isekai (otherworld) setting. The series blends isekai fantasy and intense battles with unique storytelling and comedic elements that captivate viewers.

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Cid, who once lived as an ordinary student dreaming of becoming a hidden power player, is unable to realize this in his original world. However, after being reincarnated into another world, he gains the opportunity to achieve his ambition. Leading a fictional organization he created called “Shadow Garden,” Cid fights against evil forces manipulating the world from the shadows. With reality and fiction intertwining, Cid’s strategies unfold, revealing unexpected truths.

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The appeal of “The Eminence in Shadow” lies in Cid’s calculated actions and the unintended comedic developments that arise. The balance between serious battle scenes and humor is well-executed, ensuring viewers remain entertained. The concept of the protagonist operating as an influential figure in the shadows sets it apart from other isekai stories, providing a fresh perspective.

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Digest Movie

© Daisuke Aizawa, KADOKAWA / Shadow Garden

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