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“Arknights” is an anime adaptation of the popular mobile game developed by Hypergryph, released in 2022. Directed by Watanabe and produced by Yostar Pictures, the story is set in a world plagued by the mysterious disease “Oripathy.” It follows Rhodes Island, an organization that is both a medical facility and a military force, as they strive to save those suffering from the disease while confronting various factions. The anime is known for its strategic elements and sci-fi themes, faithfully capturing the game’s intricate world.

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In a world ravaged by the disease known as “Oripathy,” Rhodes Island, a hybrid medical and combat organization, takes the lead. The protagonist, known as the Doctor, who has lost their memory, commands Rhodes Island to save infected individuals and fight for peace. Alongside Amiya and other operators, the Doctor faces harsh challenges and clashes with opposing forces. The narrative centers around themes of friendship and conviction, drawing viewers into its gripping storyline.

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The charm of “Arknights” lies in its stunning animation and detailed world-building. The diverse backstories of characters and tactically intense battle scenes are highlights. The bonds and growth of operators, especially Amiya, evoke strong emotions. This series is a must-watch for those who enjoy sci-fi action and strategic storytelling.

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Arknights 2024 Special Commemorative Animation PV
Arknights Animation PV – Babel

© Hypergryph / Studio Montagne

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