Shenmue the Animation|Anime
“Shenmue the Animation” is an anime adaptation of SEGA’s renowned action-adventure game “Shenmue,” released in 2022. Directed by Chikara Sakurai and produced by Telecom Animation Film, the series was co-produced by Crunchyroll and Adult Swim. Set in 1980s Japan, it follows the journey of Ryo Hazuki, a young man seeking answers and revenge after witnessing the murder of his father. The show appeals to both fans of the original game and those who enjoy action and mystery.
In 1986, Ryo Hazuki, who runs a dojo in Yokosuka, witnesses his father, Iwao Hazuki, being murdered by a mysterious man named Lan Di. Determined to uncover the truth behind his father’s death, Ryo embarks on a journey that leads him through various encounters and battles, uncovering an ancient Chinese legend. His story showcases his resolve and growth, weaving a narrative that connects the past and the future.
Shenmue the Animation | Recommendations
“Shenmue the Animation” stays true to the original game’s atmosphere, featuring a detailed setting and a dramatic storyline. The depiction of 1980s Japan, with its scenery and culture, is visually captivating. The action scenes are intense, and Ryo’s unwavering determination resonates strongly with viewers. It’s designed to be enjoyable for both long-time game fans and newcomers to the series.
© SEGA / Shenmue Project