So I’m a Spider, So What?|Anime
“So I’m a Spider, So What?” is an anime adaptation of the light novel by Okina Baba, first aired in 2021. Directed by Shin Itagaki and produced by Millepensee, the story is part of the isekai genre, where an entire class is reincarnated in another world, with the protagonist being reborn as a spider. It follows her journey of survival, using intellect and various skills to grow stronger, filled with humor and survival elements.
One day, an entire class of high school students is reincarnated in a fantasy world, and the protagonist wakes up to find herself as a spider. Struggling to survive in a dungeon where only the fittest endure, she battles and gains various skills. As the story unfolds, mysteries surrounding the world and the reincarnation begin to surface, expanding the scale of the narrative. The protagonist’s perseverance and growth resonate with viewers.
So I’m a Spider, So What? | Recommendations
“So I’m a Spider, So What?” captivates with its unique premise and comedic survival elements. The protagonist’s journey blends humor with serious moments, creating a well-balanced story. It brings a fresh take to the isekai genre, offering a distinct experience compared to other series. Recommended for fans of fantasy and adventure.
So I’m a Spider, So What? – YouTube
© Okina Baba, Tsukasa Kiryu / KADOKAWA / So I’m a Spider, So What? Production Committee