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Shadows House|Anime

“Shadows House” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Somato, first aired in 2021. Directed by Kazuki Ohashi and produced by CloverWorks, Set in a mysterious Western-style house inhabited by the “Shadows,” a faceless family of aristocratic imitators, and the “living dolls” who serve them, the secrets of the house are gradually revealed through the interaction between the main character, Emirico, and her servant, Kate. The unique visuals and enigmatic atmosphere captivate viewers and have garnered a strong following.

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In the Shadows House, shadowy nobles known as “Shadows” live alongside their “Living Dolls” servants. Emilico, a Living Doll, remains curious about the true purpose behind their existence in the mansion, yet she approaches life with optimism. Her master, Kate, is composed and intelligent, driven to uncover the mysteries surrounding the house. Together, they face startling truths as events within the mansion unfold.

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“Shadows House” captivates with its mysterious plot and stunning art style. The unique storytelling, where secrets are revealed gradually, draws viewers in. The dynamic between Emilico’s cheerfulness and Kate’s intelligence adds to the appeal. This series is perfect for those who enjoy a blend of suspense and fantasy in an intricately crafted world.

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Shadows House – YouTube

© Somato / Shueisha, Shadows House Production Committee

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