Interspecies Reviewers|Anime
Interspecies Reviewers is based on the manga written by Amahara and illustrated by masha, serialized in “Dragon Age” since 2016. The anime adaptation was produced by Passione in 2020, directed by Yuki Ogawa. This series gained attention for its unique premise of reviewing brothels visited by different species, each offering distinctive experiences. Set in a fantasy world, it features a variety of characters and portrays an unconventional exploration of adult themes and nightlife culture through a comedic lens.
The story takes place in a world where various species coexist, focusing on adventurers like Stunk and the elf Zel, who visit interspecies brothels and review their experiences. Through their adventures, they come to understand the different characteristics and cultures of each species while sharing their experiences and rating the establishments. Viewers are drawn to the series for its comedic plot and unique premise.
Interspecies Reviewers | Recommendations
Interspecies Reviewers stands out for its distinctive world-building and unique premise. The show allows viewers to enjoy a new perspective on fantasy worlds through cultural differences among species and humorous depictions. Its bold content sparked debates and led to broadcast suspensions and edits by some networks, adding an element of curiosity. This anime is recommended for those looking for a unique blend of comedy and fantasy.
© Amahara, masha / KADOKAWA / Interspecies Reviewers Production Committee