Planet With|Anime
Planet With is an original anime with the story, original concept, and character design by Satoshi Mizukami. The anime aired in 2018, produced by J.C.STAFF, and directed by Yohei Suzuki. This series is known for its grand-scale battles set in space and distinctive characters. The story follows a revenge-driven protagonist who battles aliens and becomes entangled in conflicts that could determine the fate of the universe. The complex relationships and backgrounds of the characters add depth to the narrative. A manga version, also by Mizukami, was serialized concurrently with the anime’s broadcast.
The story centers around Souya Kuroi, a boy who has lost his memories and leads a peaceful life. One day, massive monsters appear, and he must wield the Nebula Weapon imbued with alien power to combat them. Souya’s primary goal is to recover his lost past and exact revenge. However, as he fights, he encounters various aliens and allies, realizing that there is more at stake than simple vengeance. The plot unfolds with intertwined motives leading to an epic conclusion.
Planet With | Recommendations
The allure of Planet With lies in its unexpected plot twists and philosophical themes. Viewers are drawn into a story that transcends the typical hero versus villain framework, exploring the relativity of good and evil. As Souya’s past and the backgrounds of his allies are gradually revealed, emotional engagement deepens, leaving a profound impact. Additionally, the grand space battles and stylish action scenes provide visual excitement that anime enthusiasts will enjoy.
Planet Wiz – PV
© Satoshi Mizukami / BNA / J.C.STAFF, Planet With Production Committee