Devils’ Line|Anime
Devils’ Line is an anime adaptation based on the dark fantasy manga by Ryo Hanada. The manga was serialized in “Morning Two” from 2013 to 2019, gaining attention for its dark setting and intricate human relationships. The anime adaptation aired in 2018 and was produced by Platinum Vision, directed by Hideaki Nakano. Set in a world where vampires exist covertly within human society, the story delves into the challenges and conflicts of coexistence between humans and vampires. Known for its realistic and psychological portrayal, the series presents a mature, deep narrative.
The story centers on Yuki Anzai, a half-human, half-vampire detective, and Tsukasa Taira, a human college student. Anzai fights against his vampiric instincts while working to protect human society by investigating crimes. Tsukasa, who lives an ordinary life, becomes entangled in Anzai’s world after discovering his secret. Their romantic relationship faces trials that challenge the boundaries between humans and vampires, weaving a narrative of love and conflict.
Devils’ Line | Recommendations
The highlights of Devils’ Line include its realistic portrayal of the relationship between vampires and humans, intertwined with societal issues. The internal struggles of being a vampire, societal prejudices, and the complex emotions of the protagonists resonate with the audience. The intricate psychological development of the main characters adds depth to the story. The action-packed scenes and delicate romance elements make it an intense narrative suitable for mature audiences.
DEVILS’ LINE Official English Trailer
© Ryo Hanada, Kodansha / Devils’ Line Production Committee