The Apothecary Diaries|Anime
“The Apothecary Diaries” began on a Japanese novel submission website, debuted as a book in 2012 and has been adapted into an anime since 2023.It was nominated for the Google Play Best of 2019 in the user-voted category and has been highly acclaimed.
“The Apothecary Diaries” is a mystery anime in which incidents and mysteries are solved.
Set in a back palace, the main character, Maomao, is a “poison tester” who solves a variety of difficult cases in this entertaining and poignant mystery-solving anime.
Maomao solves numerous cases with his knowledge of medicine and the observant eye instilled in him by his adoptive father. Pretty roses have thorns, women’s gardens are full of poisons, and there is no shortage of rumours and intrigue. Maomao is forced to deal with all sorts of troublesome matters, but she manages to get the job done. The rare poison-loving girl runs around in the palace today. The film is full of unusual elements and novel concepts in Japanese animation.
The Apothecary Diaries | Recommendations
It is refreshing to see how calmly and smartly Maomao solves various cases and mysteries!
The Chinese-style worldview creates a nice atmosphere, which is very different and interesting from modern mystery-solving mysteries.
The story and worldview are also well developed, making it a worthwhile read, and I hope you will experience the fun of a fresh mystery-solving mystery in Japanese animation.
“The Apothecary Diaries” was so interesting that I regretted watching it earlier, so if you haven’t seen it yet, please take this opportunity to watch it!
©Natsu Hyuga・Imagica Infos / The Apothecary Diaries production committee