Mushoku Tensei|Anime
“Mushoku Tensei” is a Japanese light novel by Rifujin na Magonote, serialised since 2012. An anime was broadcast on TV from 2021. The original work was posted on a novel submission website and maintained the No.1 cumulative ranking on the website for a long period of time.
It is a representative work of the type of stories in various fields of Japanese subculture, such as light novels, manga and anime, and has been called a pioneer and a milestone.
A 34-year-old, virgin, unemployed housemate is abandoned by his siblings and kicked out of his home after his parents die. After leaving home, he tries to save three high school students who were almost hit by a truck and dies in an accident.
He was hit by a car and was supposed to die the rest of his life…
However, when the man next wakes up, he finds himself in an alternate world of swords and magic. The boy is reincarnated and the man thinks, “In this world, I might be able to live a real life …”.
Reflecting on his regrets from his previous life, he learns magic, takes care of his family, lives hard and overcomes the trauma of his previous life to grow up.
Mushoku Tensei | Recommendations
Although reincarnation anime has now become a major subject matter with many works, the storylines are developed in such a way as to hide the line between simple adventure stories and reincarnation stories.
It is an otherworldly fantasy that mainly contains themes such as adventure, growth and family love, and many of the protagonist’s actions and ideas are based on their experiences in life, and the comical scenes and deep human drama that result are depicted.
The characters in Mushoku Tensei are all unique and fascinatingly drawn. From the main character to the sub-characters, they are so well drawn that each character has its own fan base.
In addition, ‘strong bonds with family and friends’ are depicted throughout the work, creating some great scenes that lead to moving emotions.
The work expresses the harshness and severity of reality, as if to illustrate the harshness of human society.
After the hardships of repeatedly bumping into people, nearly falling apart and almost dying from the pain, there is a sense of excitement.
©rihujin na magonote/MF BOOKS/Mushoku Tensei production committee