“SUMMERTIME RENDERING” is a Japanese manga by Japanese manga artist Yasuki Tanaka.
It was distributed on webcomic distribution websites in 2017. After the series was completed, three further media mix plans have been announced: an anime adaptation, a real escape game adaptation and a live-action adaptation.
Ushio is dead… After hearing the news of the death of his childhood friend Ushio Kofune, Shinpei Ajiro returns to his hometown of Hitogashima, Wakayama, for the first time in two years. Reunion with family and friends. The funeral ceremony goes without a hitch. However, his best friend, Sou Hishigata, tells Shinpei that there is something suspicious about Ushio’s death and that there is a possibility that he was murdered by someone else. The next day, a neighbouring family suddenly all disappear. At the same time, Shinpei hears an ominous rumour. The person who sees a ‘shadow’ that looks just like him will die. The shadow will kill you…!” In addition, Ushio’s younger sister, Mio, claims to have seen a shadow three days before her sister’s death…? On a small, remote summer island in the Kitan Strait, a science fiction suspense that spans time now opens!
“SUMMERTIME RENDERING” is a thrilling tale of violence, suspense and horror in an enclosed space. The mind is violently shaken by its development.
Overall, the elaborate structure and the strong attraction of each story makes you long for the next episode, and the happy feeling of being immersed in the world and suppressing the sense of anticipation that wells up inside you makes you feel happy.
Every time you watch it, you will discover something new, and the organically intertwined and complex progression of the story will make this anime work more and more your favourite.
©Yasuki Tanaka / Shueisha・SUMMERTIME RENDERING production committee