“Aggretsuko” is an anime series based on an original character created by Sanrio. Initially launched as a series of shorts in 2016, it later developed into a full Netflix original series. The story humorously addresses modern societal issues and the struggles of working women, capturing audiences with Retsuko’s hidden punk rock persona. The animation employs a fresh and lively style, depicting Retsuko’s comedic expressions of stress relief in her daily life.
The protagonist, Retsuko, is a 25-year-old red panda working as an office lady at a trading company in Tokyo. She struggles daily with stress from her job, enduring pressure from her boss and colleagues. To cope, she has a unique routine of singing death metal at karaoke to release her frustrations. The story follows her journey of self-expression and personal growth as she navigates workplace relationships and moves forward in life.
Aggretsuko | Recommendations
The charm of “Aggretsuko” lies in Retsuko’s unique way of releasing stress and its relatable storylines for modern working people. With episodes full of humor and empathy, the show resonates especially with working adults facing job stress and societal pressures. The catchy music and adorable characters further enhance the appeal of the series.