Fate/stay night|Anime
The “Fate” series is a group of various works centering on “Fate/stay night” that was commercialized from a coterie circle and released on the PC in 2004. The series roughly describes the “Holy Grail War,” in which magicians (masters) summon mythological and historical figures as servants to kill each other over the “Holy Grail,” which grants wishes to those who obtain it.
The “Holy Grail War” has been developed from various perspectives and made into numerous series, and has established a firm position through media mixes such as games and movies.
“Fate/stay night” is the origin of the ‘Fate’ series.
The anime adaptation of “Fate/stay night” (2006), produced by Studio Deen, is based on the route “Fate” with Saber as the heroine in the original game, and the theater version “Fate / stay night -UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS-“, also produced by Studio Deen.
There is also the TV anime “Fate/stay night -UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS-”, which is the Tohsaka Rin route produced by ufotable, and the theatrical version “Fate/stay night -Heaven’s Feel-”, which is the Sakura Matori route -Heaven’s Feel-. The first time viewers can learn the basics of how to watch the film.
If you are a first-time viewer, you will certainly enjoy the film no matter which series you start with, but it is best if you can follow each series of films in chronological order.
“Fate” is a profound and grandiose work from a variety of perspectives, all of the works are easy to enjoy.
“Fate” has influenced many other works. I hope as many people as possible will enjoy it.