Galaxy Express 999|Anime
“GALAXY EXPRESS 999” is a manga work by Japanese manga master Leiji Matsumoto, serialised from 1977 to 1981.
It has won numerous awards and was made into an animation (113 episodes) and a film in 1978, and became a very popular work. It was also a hit with Space Battleship Yamato, which the author was involved in the production of, and triggered the ‘Leiji Matsumoto boom’ in the 1980s.
“GALAXY EXPRESS 999” is set in the future world of 2221, when the planets of the galaxy are connected by a space train called the Galactic Railway.
Many wealthy people in the universe have transferred their souls into mechanical bodies to become mechanised people and enjoy eternal life, but poor people cannot obtain mechanical bodies and are persecuted by the mechanised people. The main character ‘Tetsuro Hoshino’, whose mother was killed by the mechanised people, sets off for a planet where he is offered a free mechanical body, and boards the Galactic Express 999 with a mysterious beautiful woman, Mater.
GALAXY EXPRESS 999 | Recommendations
“GALAXY EXPRESS 999” has a lot to recommend it, to put it mildly. This animated film is a real tear-jerker. The main character Tetsuro is always reckless. Although he can only stay there for a limited time, Tetsuro always gets deep into things and faces problems.
He wants to save someone. The psychological modeling of Tetsuro, who does not turn away from problems, is a profound work that makes you think about many things.
The simplicity and clarity of Tetsuro’s character is directly conveyed. His mental growth and strength create a fascinating development, which is also the reason why many people love this work.
In particular, men should see this film. I have only heard of the title (GALAXY EXPRESS 999). It is a work that is a waste if that is all.
As a supplementary note, the Japanese version of the main character Tetsuro Hoshino is voiced by Masako Nozawa, the voice actress who voiced Son Goku in Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball, which is a masterpiece of Japanese animation, the same as GALAXY EXPRESS 999. When watching this film, it might be interesting to try to remember Son Goku, even if only a little.