“HIGH CARD” is a Japanese media mix project by TMS Entertainment, KADOKAWA, and Sammy.”HIGH CARD” is an action anime centered around the theme of special abilities granted by cards. The original series began airing in 2023 and is known for its intense plot and diverse characters. Produced by Studio Hibari and directed by Junichi Wada, the show captivates viewers with its thrilling storyline where the unique cards held by each character play a crucial role.
The protagonist, Finn, is an orphan whose life changes upon encountering a mysterious card in the city. Drawn into conflicts over these cards, he joins a group known as “HIGH CARD,” each member possessing unique abilities. As he and his allies face battles and uncover the secrets of the cards, they forge bonds of friendship and trust. The series is filled with action and compelling drama.
HIGH CARD | Recommendations
The allure of “HIGH CARD” lies in its exciting battle scenes involving the use of special card abilities and the strong bonds between characters. The variety of abilities brought by each card ensures that the action remains fresh and engaging. Additionally, the protagonist’s growth and the camaraderie among the characters add depth to the story. This series showcases intricate storytelling and action typical of Japanese anime.