Farming Life in Another World|Anime
“Farming Life in Another World” is an anime adapted from the light novel by Kinosuke Naito, which started as a web novel in 2016 and was later published as a light novel. The anime premiered in 2023, standing out among isekai (other-world) stories for its unique focus on farming life. Directed by an experienced director, the show offers a detailed portrayal of an agricultural lifestyle in a fantastical world. The protagonist’s peaceful and prosperous life brings a sense of comfort and relaxation to viewers.
Hiraku Machio, the protagonist who dies from overwork, is given the chance to live a new life in another world. He receives a “Divine Farming Tool” from a god and begins to farm, using its powers to build and cultivate his new home. With various creatures and residents joining him, Hiraku expands his farm and enjoys a laid-back life in this other world. Unlike battle-centric stories, this anime focuses on peaceful everyday life, featuring many heartwarming scenes.
Farming Life in Another World | Recommendations
The charm of “Farming Life in Another World” lies in its depiction of a heartwarming, slow-paced life. The protagonist Hiraku’s growth and interactions with his companions offer viewers a soothing experience. The story focuses on farming and daily life, featuring the beauty of nature and the fantasy world. This anime is ideal for those who prefer wholesome and gentle storytelling over battles and dangerous adventures.
© Kinosuke Naito / Farming Life in Another World Production Committee