Deca-Dence is an original anime that aired in 2020, produced by studio NUT. Directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa and written by Hiroshi Seko, this series is set in a dystopian world where humanity survives within a giant mobile fortress known as “Deca-Dence,” battling mysterious creatures called “Gadoll.” The story follows Natsume, a young girl aspiring to become a warrior, and Kaburagi, a composed maintenance worker. With unexpected plot twists and deep thematic exploration, the anime captivated audiences.
Humanity faces extinction due to mysterious creatures known as “Gadoll,” and the survivors live in a mobile fortress called “Deca-Dence.” Natsume, the protagonist, dreams of becoming a warrior after losing her father but ends up working in maintenance. However, her supervisor Kaburagi turns out to have hidden secrets and powers. The duo is drawn into a journey that unveils the truth about Deca-Dence and battles for the future of humanity.
Deca-Dence | Recommendations
The key attractions of Deca-Dence are its grand scale and unexpected plot twists. The intertwining stories of Natsume’s dreams and Kaburagi’s secrets create a compelling narrative. The dynamic animation showcases breathtaking battle scenes and the detailed depiction of the fortress. Additionally, the theme of hope and human freedom resonates deeply within its dystopian setting. This anime is highly recommended for fans of sci-fi action and stories with profound themes.