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ARIA is an anime adapted from a manga by Kozue Amano, first aired in 2005. Set on a future water planet, “Aqua,” the story follows the daily lives of people who immigrate from Earth to live on this new world. The original manga series began serialization in 2001 and concluded in 2008. The anime consists of three seasons, with the first, ARIA The Animation, airing in 2005, followed by ARIA The Natural in 2006 and ARIA The Origination in 2008. Additionally, a film titled ARIA The Avvenire was released in 2015. The anime is known for its soothing atmosphere and its themes of hope, dreams, and friendship, set against the stunning scenery of Aqua.

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The story of ARIA revolves around young female guides who work on the water planet “Aqua,” taking customers on boat tours along its canals while growing through their experiences. The protagonist, Mizunashi Akari (Aka “Arios”), is a young woman striving to become the first guide on Aqua. She works alongside her mentors, the strict yet kind Aika, and the calm and skilled Alice, a guide from the Aria company. Through their work, they learn about friendship, the meaning of life, and themselves. Each episode features interactions with different characters, and the beautiful scenery of Aqua serves as the backdrop to heartwarming and inspiring messages. The story is always positive, filled with emotionally moving episodes, offering a soothing experience to the audience.

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The appeal of ARIA lies in its serene atmosphere, the exquisite detail in the animation, and the emotional growth of its characters. The portrayal of Aqua’s landscapes throughout the series gives the viewer the sense of stepping into a different world. Each episode is filled with warm messages, leaving a lasting emotional impact after viewing. In particular, the protagonist, Mizunashi Akari’s journey of growth is deeply captivating. Moreover, the kindness of the characters and the bonds of friendship among them enrich the narrative, making the emotionally moving moments even more powerful. ARIA is an anime that provides comfort and inspiration, and it is highly recommended for those seeking a healing anime experience.

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© 2021 Kozue Amano/MAG Garden・ARIAcompany

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