AYAKA main image


“AYAKA” is an original anime that premiered in 2023, directed by Yoshinobu Nagayama and produced by Studio Blanc. The original story is by GoRA and depicts strange phenomena and mysterious dramas on the island of Ayaka, a chain of seven islands. It features unique visual expressions and complex emotions held by the characters. The thrilling development and fantastic depiction leave a strong impression on viewers.

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The protagonist, Yukito Yanagi, returns to the island of AYAKA after leaving his hometown in his childhood for mysterious reasons. On the island, he encounters residents with strange powers and ancient legends, leading him to face his destiny. As enigmatic events unfold and truths are revealed, Yukito must test his own abilities. His choices will play a crucial role in determining the island’s future.

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“AYAKA” is a story set on the island of AYAKA, where flawed characters weave a bond with each other. Beautiful background art, unique characters, and the island’s distinctive dialect “Ayakai” add to the unique worldview. The detailed setting creates a realistic sense of life and draws the viewer into this fascinating work.

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AYAKA – YouTube


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