BANANA FISH is based on the manga by Akimi Yoshida, serialized in “Bessatsu Shoujo Comic” from 1985 to 1994. The anime adaptation was produced by MAPPA in 2018, directed by Hiroko Utsumi. The story, set in modern-day New York, is a crime suspense centered around the protagonist Ash Lynx and his unexpected friendship with Japanese assistant photographer Eiji Okumura. The anime’s serious themes and thrilling narrative have left a strong impact on viewers.
Ash Lynx, a street kid in New York, is entangled in a conspiracy surrounding the mysterious phrase “BANANA FISH.” He is joined by Eiji Okumura, a visitor from Japan, as they face threats to their lives and pursue the dangerous truth. Amidst past traumas, battles with criminal organizations, and complex relationships, Ash and Eiji strive to uncover the mystery.
BANANA FISH | Recommendations
The appeal of BANANA FISH lies in its hardboiled narrative and profound human drama. The poignant emotions stemming from Ash and Eiji’s friendship, combined with tense battles against criminal organizations, captivate viewers. The realistic New York setting adds a unique atmosphere to the series. The thrilling storyline and exploration of bonds and betrayal make it an addictive watch.
© Akimi Yoshida, Shogakukan / Project BANANA FISH