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BLACK CAT is an anime adaptation of the manga by Kentaro Yabuki, which aired from 2005 to 2006, spanning 24 episodes. Produced by GONZO and directed by Shin Itagaki, the series follows Train Heartnet, a renowned assassin with a dark past who seeks freedom in his current life. Once an agent for the secret organization “Chronos,” Train now chooses to live as a bounty hunter, known as a “Sweeper.” The story features complex relationships, unique companions, and confrontations filled with loyalty and betrayal. Its action-packed sequences and psychological depth captivate viewers.

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Train Heartnet was once known as “Number XIII,” a cold-blooded assassin for the secret organization “Chronos.” However, after meeting Sven Vollfied, a bounty hunter who values freedom, Train discovers a new way of life. He abandons his path as an assassin and joins Sven and the young girl Eve on their journey as Sweepers. Yet, remnants of his past and the shadow of “Chronos” soon resurface to challenge him. Train’s quest for freedom intertwines with themes of friendship, conflict, and battles, showcasing his growth and inner transformation.

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The highlights of BLACK CAT include Train’s character development and the depth of his relationships. His transformation from an assassin to a freedom-seeking Sweeper offers viewers a story of courage and hope. The action scenes are fast-paced and intricately depicted, serving as a visual treat for fans of animated combat. Additionally, the bonds with his companions and the complex dynamics with foes add depth to the story. The intertwining of suspense and heartfelt moments keeps viewers engaged until the end.

© Kentaro Yabuki / Shueisha, BLACK CAT Production Committee

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