Blue Period|Anime
“Blue Period” is an anime adaptation of the manga by Tsubasa Yamaguchi, which premiered in 2021. Directed by Katsuya Asano and produced by Seven Arcs, the original manga has been serialized since 2017 and has captivated readers with its themes of artistic pursuit and self-discovery. The anime follows Yatora Yaguchi, a talented yet uninspired high school student who finds himself drawn to the world of art and strives to get into the Tokyo University of the Arts.
Yatora Yaguchi is a high-achieving student who feels empty and uninspired. One day, he is captivated by a painting he sees in the art club and discovers the joy of expressing his emotions on canvas. Determined to enter the highly competitive Tokyo University of the Arts, Yatora hones his artistic skills and expression, facing numerous challenges, friendships, and rivalries along the way. His journey of overcoming obstacles and personal growth is truly moving.
Blue Period | Recommendations
“Blue Period” offers a powerful story of self-discovery and the pursuit of one’s dreams. While it’s perfect for art enthusiasts, it also resonates with anyone looking to devote themselves to a passion. Yatora’s growth and the unique characters around him add depth to the story. The series realistically portrays the world of art while imparting thought-provoking messages to viewers.
Blue Period – YouTube
© Tsubasa Yamaguchi, Kodansha / Blue Period Production Committee